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Thursday, 30 July 2020

What is Oracle Data Dictionary?

Oracle data dictionary

In a database, all of the objects that belong to a user form what is called a user schema.

The main types of objects are tables, indexes, views, synonyms, sequences, program units stored in the database (procedures, functions, packages, triggers).

Only tables and indexes correspond to segments of data. Other objects only have a definition stored in the data dictionary.

A user schema is created and managed by it, while the data dictionary is created and managed by Oracle.

The data dictionary is a repository which belongs to the SYS super user and which stores the tables and views necessary for the proper functioning of the Oracle database. The DBA_TABLES view and the corresponding synonym USER_TABLES is an example of a table and dictionary view.

For example, if a user USER1 wants to display the structure of a TABLE1 table that he owns, he issues the "DESC TABLE1" command. The result of this command is obtained from the data dictionary.

This is because the TABLE1 table stores data and is owned by user USER1, while the structure of TABLE1 is stored elsewhere, in dictionary tables that are owned by user SYS. This information about the data forming the structure of TABLE1 is called metadata.

Dictionary tables are not directly accessible but dictionary views allow you to query them. In a session of the user USER1, USER_TABLES (synonymous with the DBA_TABLES view) is used to list the structure of all the tables of USER1.

In summary, the data dictionary stores metadata on tables, columns of tables, constraints, indexes, etc.

It can also store:

    user objects such as views, synonyms, sequences, procedures, functions, packages, triggers, etc.
    the names of the users, their privileges and roles… etc.

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Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Availability of Job in Oracle DBA

Availability of Job in Oracle DBA

Now a day there is no existent of oracle DBA jobs in the market. Still, there are two ways to enter into this area along with achieving success in succeeding steps. There are different gateways for getting a job in DBA. One could expose to the oracle by learning it so that one could get a large amount of cash. A huge number of people are intending to become a DBA, but unfortunately due to the slow market of this sector, they have to get failure. 

But among all of them the person who gets the job in DBA, really the person has strong luck with him or her. But still, the person is not in a safe zone to be in the sector. Due to a huge number of fluctuations, there is a major possibility to lose the job. There is no guaranty of the person to stay permanently employed. The most experienced persons also face the same problem. Plenty of people have to be harassed and returned to their homes after being unemployed. One has to give a continuous flow of good performance to stay employed as a DBA.

Due to these reasons, government workers are advised to find people to make them eligible to become oracle DBA. For this, the government workers are paid well from the taxes that the people have paid. In this way, people are getting excited to get a job in their dreamed sector with secure and safe employment. 

The students who are getting the certificates from a community college situated in their locality also could get the job by their talent. Hence they have the real opportunity to get the job without having any previous experience in this sector. But still, they have to work too hard to stay permanently as a DBA. Oracle DBA Blog always helps to improve your knowledge base to get job very easily.

Free Oracle DBA Tutorials

During this critical situation of Noval Covid-19, people and companies prefer to stay at home. People work from home. Governments of many countries ask people to keep social distancing. Many companies, informed their employees to stay at home and work from home. In this situation, you need work from home but simultaneously you need to improve yourself in your skills and knowledge.
The Internet is the best tool to gain more and more knowledge and learn daily new things. 

Using the internet you can learn new technology and watch the latest news. In this situation, when you will be spending time learning something new and gain depth knowledge then Oracle DBA Tutorial is the best option. Without any money make a subscription or any charging fee if you get all kinds of database news, knowledge, and tutorials. It means we get the gold mine. We can spend lots of time gaining knowledge to improve our skills and keep up to date in the database domain.

Many people share their knowledge on the internet but only a few people share their thoughts and experience juice in blogs. People put their experience in blogging for improving other’s knowledge.
I was quarantined during this critical situation and during this period I surf the internet and spend my time. 

I went to many sites for gaining some more knowledge of database administration. When I came to Oracle DBA Tutorials then I was amazed to feel that I wasted my all-time searching everywhere. This blog contains all things about databases. It provides the latest news of database, Oracle DBA, Oracle DBA tips, MySQL tips, SQL server tips, Teradata articles, and lots more. This site also contains SQL tutorials and I learned a lot of things. Due to I am sharing herewith this resource. It is a single resource for gaining everything about database technology. Data science, data warehousing are also covered in this resource. 

I think everyone needs to stay connected with this kind of golden resource for getting all-time updated himself or herself with the latest database technology news.